Saturday, January 2, 2016

Financial condition in 2016 for different sun-signs

Money is very important in everyone life so this was very important to know how is monetary position in New Year 2016.

Here I give some prediction for different sun signs people based on Vedic astrology. This year was Mars effective so definitely different sun signs affected by this.

 This year was average for Aries people. People related with law, technology got success and change of business and job and place also good for Aries people. To get the best result read Shani mantra daily.

Taurus people got new responsibilities in job .They definitely got new power and position in job with high responsibility. This increase in position and promotion give some tension and pressure.
Best time in this year from monetary point of view start from July. Change of place, use of light perfume and reading Rahu mantra daily gives best result in life.

Gemini people ready for big changes in life. They got success in career and business from start of year but best time of the year start from June_ July and got tremendous success. They got money whole year but need to control there unnecessary expenses to save money. Read hanuman chalisa daily and minimise the use of red colour in life.

This year average for cancer people. Success in opening of year and June to October main .Do think about new business in this year. They face problem from rahu and overconfidence. Use yellow and donate food items to needy people to overcome from any difficulties in life.

Got success in job and best time in this year May June. Need to take every decision proper way in investment and property. Enlighten dipak beneath peepal tree every Saturday and read shani mantra.

Job is unstable Need to control on emotion ,face some problem in starting part of year, from middle of year all things got arrange and need to work on behaviour. Worship sun every morning give water and donate on Tuesday to overcome any difficulties in life.

Libra people overcome from saresathi so little influence in this year face some problem in job .Don’t change job or never think for new business in this year. Need to hard work and struggle in this time .To avoid bad effect enlighten dipak with mustard oil beneath peepal tree on every Saturday.

January to March face problem in job.But not indulge in any financial problem. Change of place is good for them and give best result. Worship of Hanuman give best result .Avoid overconfidence to indulge in any problem.

Change of place give best result in job and monetary term. Unwanted expenses are big issue. Eat curd daily with lunch to get best result. Wear copper ring to get best result.

Job and Business give best result, to avoid any kind of problem from rahu read rahu mantra daily. Donate sweets to get best result.

Don’t not leave job, some issue arise but you got money whole the year. July main crucial year. Do not tell lie on any time to superior or in work place. Gayatri mantra practice daily to overcome any problem in this year.

Hard work definitely gives you good result. New job ,promotion, financial growth everything available in this year. Wear copper ring and give water to sun every day to get best result.

Friday, January 1, 2016

How is your health in 2016?

Health is wealth, so if you are healthy you can be able to achieve what you want but if you are not healthy than you miss many things. In this post I am going to present health prediction for different sun sign people.

Aries people need to careful for their cardio related issue as well as they need to eat healthy food because there is great chance for digestion problem .They need to careful for driving vehicle in this year. January February and August main crucial month related with their health so they need to consider these months. Best option to minimise risk in life did surya namaskar every day with water and use pink colour.

Taurus people health is good in this year but they need to careful and take caution for their ear, nose and throat issue. Pregnant woman need to be careful mainly in the month of July when Jupiter changes their path. Krishn upasana and use of green colour helpful for Taurus people.

This year biggest change in their life, Jupiter and Rahu mainly effective till June in this year and they need to effected by fever and skin diseases problem need to face. They need to careful for their digestion and take digestive food avoid junk food.Fully avoid any kind of addiction specially alcohol and drug. Worship shiva and read “Namah Sivay” daily .Sky blue is best colour for this year .

Average year on health ground. They need to carful for thyroid and fat and digestion and stomach issue. February, May and September main crucial month on health ground. Bright white good colour for success and daily read shani mantra.

Health average in this year. They need to careful for eye, blood pressure and bone related issue. Diabetic patient need to careful. April, May main crucial month they need to use red colour mainly and read shani mantra.

This year generally good for Virgo they got relief from many old health issue .they face some pressure issue till March but than things become positive .Use pink in this year and donate yellow items to get good heatlth.

Libra people little effected from saresathi which going out  from their  life .Need to careful for food and avoid any kind of addiction. Need to careful for driving vehicle. April, August and September main crucial month and use blue colour and read shani chalisa daily.

This year much comfortable than last year they need to think about digestion and careful for food. Yellow colour good for them and worship Hanuman on Tuesday to overcome from any health issue.

They need to careful for digestion related issue for first two month and need to control their ego and temperament otherwise year is good from health point of view. Use of orange colour good for them and give water to surya or surya puja daily.

 Best from health point f view .If they think for any kind of surgery than does that after July to get success .Avoid oily and junk food. On Tuesday and Saturday read sundarkand to get best result and use.

Aquarius people also get good health in this year .They have some tension and pressure but that problem also solve till Feb to march. Shiva upasana best for them and “Naam Sivay” read daily 108 times on Monday. Saffron colour is good for this year.

 Best time from health point of view. BP patient need to careful also need to take care for digestion. May June crucial for them. Need to eat fruits and vegetables in this year, Every Thursday read Vishnu shastranaam to get best result?